Johns Journey

This is my journal to describe my personal journey in becoming an amputee and what I have learned along the way.


I am 15 years old. I was born with a birth defect in my leg. I have had 18 surgeries and am about to have my leg amputated. I have a close relationship with God, and I can testify to how God has been with me all of these years. He has been by my side and given me grace in all of my difficulties. I know that He will continue to do so, as I enter this new phase of my life.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Living with my prosthesis

Today I watched an old video that my orthopedist made many years ago, for patients and their families who were deciding upon a fixator brace. My parents and I were a part of that video, and my mom and dad were interviewed in it. I was only 3 years old at the time. Dr. D, his nurse, and many other patients and their parents were also interviewed. The video explains the fixator, and what you could expect during the whole process.

After watching it, I am very glad that we made the decision to amputate my leg. I have always felt this way, but especially after watching this video, I am happy with my decision.

I am doing well with the prosthesis. I have had to have some adjustments made to the leg, and have found that the more active I am, new pressure points will occur. I don't exactly feel that I can do more now in the prosthesis, than I could when I had my real leg. Maybe as summer comes and I can be more active, I will find I can do more. I especially look forward to the summer months and being able to swim. I have never really had the chance to swim a whole lot in past years, because I was always in a cast or in the fixator brace.

Probably sometime this summer or next fall, I will have to have a new socket made for my prosthesis. My stump is still shrinking, but that is normal. By then, I'm sure I will need a new foot for it, because it is already starting to get beat up. ; )

Well, gotta go!