Johns Journey

This is my journal to describe my personal journey in becoming an amputee and what I have learned along the way.


I am 15 years old. I was born with a birth defect in my leg. I have had 18 surgeries and am about to have my leg amputated. I have a close relationship with God, and I can testify to how God has been with me all of these years. He has been by my side and given me grace in all of my difficulties. I know that He will continue to do so, as I enter this new phase of my life.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I've had my surgery!

Today is Thursday, August 18th and I had my amputation this past Monday. Right after the surgery I was in terrible pain. But later in the day it got a lot better. I came home from the hospital yesterday. I am very glad to be home. I have not had too much pain! I think maybe one reason for that, is due to so many people praying for me!

My doctor told my mom and dad that if I had gotten a fixator brace instead, it turns out he would have had to remove 2-3" of my bone, and then I would have had to stay in the fixator for 1-2 years, because it would have taken that long to lengthen my leg. But it could have taken longer than that, because I have always had poor healing and bone growth. Plus I have always had so many infections with the fixator brace. I really am so glad I had my leg amputated instead! NO WAY would I have wanted to be in a fixator for that long!

The day of my surgery, my mom asked me if I was ready to see my leg. I said yes. It was all wrapped up, but I thought it was pretty cool. It didn't bother me at all. Two days later, they took the bandages off, so I got to see it bare. I still thought it was pretty cool. Instead of using stitches, Dr. D used staples. I don't know when they will get taken out though.

I have gotten some cards from my aunts and from my grandma. My mom goes onto these forums, and she told people about my surgery. A lot of people from there are praying for me, and some of them are even sending me cards in the mail. I think that is so nice! it makes me feel good to know that so many people, even strangers, are praying for me.

I know that God is with me, and will help me in the months ahead as I get my new leg. I can't wait!


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